ECN Network
Their market-leading voice solutions provide our customers with the option of replacing their existing voice service provider to substantially reduce their monthly telecommunications bill. Customers have the option of porting their geographic numbers to ECN and savings are achieved with competitive outbound call rates and lower infrastructure costs.
Business Grade Internet
ECN’s business-grade Internet access products allow customers to deal with a single service provider for both their voice and data services, simplifying support and billing queries.
Hosted Services
ECN’s hosted services complement their voice solutions and enable customers to move their physical PBX and call logging infrastructure into the cloud. This gives customers the flexibility and scalability they need in today’s ever changing business environment.
Why Use ECN?
Joining ECN’s network is quick and easy. ECN provides efficient on-site installation and activation with minimal disruption to business operations and infrastructure. Once a customer is connected to ECN it dials as usual – the only change is that its calls are routed via ECN. All installation activities are carefully planned and approved in advance.
ECN has built a state-of-the-art Network Operations Centre (NOC), which monitors ECN’s national voice and data network. The NOC monitors active and passive network parameters to anticipate, localise and isolate problems on the network. When problems do occur the activities of front-line personnel are coordinated and dispatched from regional offices. The NOC is also capable of providing an up to the minute, real-time visual summary of the status of the entire network.
ECN’s telephone management system (TMS) provides customers with real time account information. The TMS is accessed via an easy-to-use, web-based interface. Configurable reports covering billing, invoicing, savings and diagnostics are available to users via a web interface. It is the perfect tool to help customers easily monitor and manage their company’s telephone costs.